Tuesday, 26 April 2011

That's all folks!

Below are the questions asked in the 24 April 2011 #DAQA session, before the official cut-off at around ten past nine that night. Note that every effort is made to include all questions and answers. However, there are exceptions, namely:

  • Extensive back-and-forth replies after the initial question is answered: these are hard to keep track of, as multiple individuals may join a discussion. To see more on any point, simply search on Twitter.
  • Obviously-disruptive questions: for example if someone is clearly heckling or disrupting the session rather than seeking a debate or answer. 
  • Having an ulterior motive e.g. someone trying to promote a product or service.
  • Duplicate questions, especially from the same person.

If any questions have been unintentionally left out, please comment on this post with details. If any answers have been unintentionally left out, please comment on the relevant post.

What is the DA's stance in terms of gay marriage?

Asked by @RuTheLycan - answered by @helenzille
We defend everyone's rights in terms of the constitution. Gay rights are human rights.

Your current views on unresolved *Land* Claims, Rural Development and black Female ownership?

Asked by @mmandysauls - answered by @PatriciaDeLille
The ANC policy is responsible for delays in settling land claims. We support diverse ownership of businesses.

Does the DA have any plans to make job hunting easier/more accessible to matriculants/graduates from under privileged communities?

Asked by @mspr1nt - answered by @zakmbhele
Schools & public libraries shud b main pts of access so DA wud improv thngs on tht front. Also Opportunity Vouchers 4 Matrics.

What can the DA do to remove the prostitutes from Rivonia Road Sandton?

Asked by @Mermaid_Nix - answered by @mikemo702
We can take this matter up with the Police. Pls email me on mikemo@mweb.co.za

Why should I vote DA, besides using the Cape Town Story and the ANCs failures?

Asked by @MpangaMpanga - answered by @Cilliers_Brink‎
Well there's also the Midvaal, Swartland, Baviaans and Mossel Bay stories. The big story is the DA delivers to all.

What was the DA's stance on ID MP Lance Greyling's party-funding bill? Does DA agree it was "unconstitutional?"

Asked by @MvelaseP - answered by @PatriciaDeLille
It is the ANC that say that the bill is unconstitutional.

Beyond open opportunity society many blacks are waiting for DA to emphasize need for special efforts to redress past wrongs. Will you?

Asked by @jceggers - answered by ?

What is the DA's position on transparency and limits for party funding?

Asked by @JohnsonZA - answered by @Jonathan_Moakes
At this stage, we believe our donors should not be disclosed. Funding transparency is an ideal but not realistic yet...

How do you convince average voters that educated, well spoken DA candidates who deliver are better than ANC stalwarts?

Asked by @Aslam_Levy - answered by @PatriciaDeLille
Only the DA has a track record of service delivery and clean governance. That is what voters should consider.

When can we expect to see a black person leading the DA? Lindi Mazibuko will be brilliant.

Asked by @fredsterct - answered by @helenzille
Lindi Mazibuko is in the position I used to be in. Go figure.

What percentage of the South African population do you expect to vote DA in this election? What do your projections show?

Asked by @mcleodd - answered by @RyanCoetzee
Last time we got 16,2 - this time we will get significantly more than 20% - but exactly how much we will see.

The DA is looking at winning JHB, and perhaps even DBN however will running another city or two affect CPT in anyway?

Asked by @aneesdollie - answered by @zakmbhele
No. We have local talent and capacity in those municipalities. They'll just move from opposition benches 2 governing.

From forecasts, is the DA expecting a marginal or significant increase in support on 18 May?

Asked by @fredsterct - answered by @LindiMazibuko
We're working hard to secure a significant increase. This is important election as we now have record of good governance!

What do you make of "income inequality" in South Africa? And solutions do you propose to closing the gap?

Asked by @vuyisaq - answered by @helenzille
Sustained economic growth and improved education for all is the only sustainable way of closing the wealth gap.

Will it be the andries tatane or malema/ibhunu election?

Asked by @PieterDuToit - answered by @helenzille
Learn the right lessons, or Andries Tatane will become a symbol like Hector Pieterson. Malema is best ignored.

More than 60 gang leaders due for parole, is there a plan to control violence?

Asked by @khadijapatel - answered by @PatriciaDeLille
Safety and Security Minister Fritz met with Correctional Services Minister to ensure that the police and the victim's families are notified of the intended release.

Speaking of hashtags, what is the DA's stance on the legalisation of dagga? Or hemp as an industry, at least.

Asked by @gussilber - answered by @RyanCoetzee
Gus, we're opposed to legalizing dagga - goes to the huge drug problem in SA that drives other crime.

Apart from the ID,with what other parties are we looking to go into a allianc for 2014?

Asked by @Jo1Coetzee - answered by @helenzille
We will be looking to grow our voter base, rather than through 'acquisition' of other parties.

Will we get rebates from councils in the case of non delivery of services, like strikes by rubbish removals?

Asked by @grompotjie - answered by @brandontopham
Not possible. We have a plan to ensure back up in events of strikes so that non delivery is short term in these events.

@PatriciaDeLille some people in your previous party might think you sold them, what did u tell them when you left them?

Asked by @wandile32 - answered by @PatriciaDeLille
ID members gave the leadership a mandate to form a coalition with the DA. I am still the leader of the ID. In this election, the ID is participating under the banner of the DA as a coalition.

Any comments on the dubul ibhunu song trial this past week?

Asked by @BraEtiKoSweti - answered by @helenzille
The DA is trying to unite South Africans, and not divide them. The "hate speech" trial is driving people apart.

What training is given to DASOs, besides the elite YLP?

Asked by @Jo1Coetzee - answered by @mbalimcdust
Hey the DA Youth is working on a mentoring and skills programme for DASO's.Will hopefully roll out after elections.

Is the DA against the concept of nationalisation or those spear heading?

Asked by @Dion_Govender‎ - answered by @alexlansdowne
Nationalisation is AGAINST the liberal principle of the party and the free-market policy in our constitution!

When will construction of Phase 2,3,etc of the IRT start respectively?

Asked by @Schalk79‎ - answered by ?

Is there a list that can be obtained of ward councilors that represent the DA in the Western Cape?

Asked by @aneesdollie‎ - answered by ?

Why have done so little and ignored the corrupt DA & ID council members in the DA-run Swellendam municipality?

Asked by @SwellendamEye - answered by @helenzille
We have asked the SIU to investigate. Waiting for President Zuma to issue proclamation. We did not ignore the corruption charges in Swellendam. We are following due process and referred it to the SIU.

Note that there was an extended discussion about this question. Search Twitter for more.

If you won #PTA and Gauteng Province asked you to take over basic education in the area, would you?

Asked by @jedcarter‎ - answered by ?

Vagrancy is a big problem in Joburg. What is your proposed solution?

Asked by @LinusVirgo‎ - answered by ?

I cannot see the DA as the new messiah! So I respectfully decline to vote for the DA!

Asked by @jazlaw24‎ - answered by @PatriciaDeLille‎
That is your democratic right to vote for a party of your choice.

Much ado about candidate selection process. Yet. Capable folks, with grassroots support failed. What is value of constituent's voice?

Asked by @marleneboyce‎ - answered by @Jonathan_Moakes
Our process was certainly inclusive and included the involvement of everyone who wanted to be involved.

Your comment on the PAGAD spokesperson's comments here: ?

link: http://www.thedailymaverick.co.za/opinionista/2011-04-22-pagad-20-will-it-get-it-right-this-time
Asked by @khadijapatel‎ - answered by @brettherron
I believe most people are aware of the big difference our metro police have made in their communities.

Y do upper class areas receive better service delivery than the lower class ones? Don't let the ANC's skulduggery prevent solutions.

Asked by @RRRevelations - answered by ?

@PatriciaDeLille You spoke out about Affirmative action under ID, now does DA support the Affirmative Action?

Asked by @wandile32 - answered by @PatriciaDeLille
They support the constitution's values and principles.

Should #da not be a lot more vocal about the mess that #robbenisland is at the moment?

Asked by @simonmaraisza - answered by @helenzille
We have been extremely vocal about Robben Island through Dr Ivan Meyer, MEC.

What's the DA plan in tackling poverty & is there any plan in place to bridge the gap btw the poor & rich economically?

Asked by @DanteBello - answered by @warwickchapman
In short, sustainable economic growth which reduces unemployment, an emphasis on quality education and entrepreneurs.

Monday, 25 April 2011

how will the DA keep counsellors accountable and prevent situations similar to Ficksburg?

Asked by @renierkriel - answered by @Cilliers_Brink
DA councillors have to sign a charter of service. If they don't perform, they get booted. Same with DA mayors.

What will the DA do to create jobs or opportunities for youth in places in Macassar or Mitchell Plain?

Asked by @DAYActivist - answered by @helenzille
The role of govt in job creation is to end corruption, deliver services and create confidence so that businesses invest.

Why don't the DA make sure there are more toilets, water and rubbish removals in the informal settlements?

Asked by @gavin1968 - answered by @helenzille
In 2006 the DA inherited 127 unserviced informal settlements in CT from the ANC. Now 95% serviced at national standard

Is your promise to fix all potholes in Tswane in 48 hours realistic?

Asked by @alexlansdowne - answered by @brandontopham
After it stops raining yes. We do it where we govern, no reason why not. If you do not fix quick they become bigger.

I am proudly Afrikaans and wish you had some progressive Afrikaans voices that won't make me feel trapped in past. Is that possible?

Asked by @AIBester - answered by @helenzille
Staan op en maak jou stem dik. Daar is talle progressiewe Afrikaners onder ons geledere!

If these are local elections, why national party leaders on election posters?

Asked by @SimonKSayz - answered by @brandontopham
Well in time people will get to know local leaders better.ANC don't even give local mayor candidates as the brand NB.

Any diff between how DA/HZ been received in townships compared to 2009?

Asked by @PieterDuToit - answered by ?

But do you take this policy to the township youths sitting on the corner doing nothing all day?

Asked by @GaGa_Saint - answered by @mbalimcdust
The DA youth has a wonderful doc called 'Fixing the future' which details exactly how the DA Would tackle youth issues. The DA youth is everywhere.We r incredible diverse from our leadership to our structures...

Do you believe there is a discontent with the DA among residents on the flats re. gangs?

Asked by @khadijapatel - answered by @PatriciaDeLille
No, the communities are fed up with the gang violence, not with the DA.

In respect to Service Delivery, What's the DA plan in ensuring that there's effective SD for all SAns if voted to power?

Asked by @DanteBello - answered by ?

IRT in Cape Town, where do we stand, what is going on there?

Asked by @GaGa_Saint - answered by @brettherron
No the IRT is not complete it is a massive project that will roll out across over many years. Kick off of service soon!

I plan not to vote the ANC route again. Once bitten twice shy. Does the DA expect to improve over last time? Any estimates?

Asked by @IsaidIam - answered by @brandontopham
No estimates but we going to do much better than any other party when it comes to growth.

Give us one unequivocal reason why blacks SAns should vote for the DA & is DA a party that focuses on Black elites only?

Asked by @DanteBello - answered by @helenzille
One reason: the DA is the only party that is continuing the struggle for Madiba's vision of a better life for all. The ANC has become a party for the elite; Vavi was right when he said that the ANC has turned SA into a predator state.

What are the DA's targets in the N.Cape. Particularly Pixley ka seme and Frances Baard District Municipality?

Asked by @lesterkk - answered by @Jonathan_Moakes
We are targeting all municipalities in the Northern Cape and generally aiming to grow our vote significantly in the province.

Big Bay Beach in Cape Town, some please tell me the situation is getting the required attention?

Asked by @GaGa_Saint - answered by @ianneilson
The sewage spills @ Big Bay have received attention. The wet beach issue is being investigated by experts. Report by July.

What do u plan to do about people who think they can't vote as only voted 2/3 elections ago?

Asked by @fredsterct - answered by ?

Why do politicians insist on "building housing" when the backlog is too high to make up? Property ownership should receive attention!

Asked by @vuyisaq - answered by @LindiMazibuko
We often make this point. Property rights: DA has congress resolution calling for housing beneficiaries to receive full title.

Does the DA have the human capital to govern, if we win across the country?

Asked by @Jo1Coetzee - answered by @Jonathan_Moakes
Yes, we have gone through an extensive candidate selection process. Lots of talent ready to govern!

if you could describe the DA's platform in one way, what would it be?

Asked by @Jarrod_Delport - answered by ?

WARD 9 (Hillcrest KZN) - What are your plans to decrease the growing crime in this area that the massive building boom has caused?

Asked by @See_Lee_ah - answered by @warwickchapman
Celia Tougher in opposition, but CPFs, Neighbourhood Watches and the like are key. We try put pressure on SAPS to deliver.

How would #da fix the #robbenisland debacle? #daqa Why isnt it fixed yet?

Asked by @simonmaraisza - answered by @helenzille
Robben Island is under the national department of Arts and Culture. The DA has offered to help. Offer rejected.

Do you think any political party, or affiliates should own any of the press?

Asked by @sylviaireland - answered by @LindiMazibuko
Press freedom dictates that anyone or organisation can own / run a publication. And we believe firmly in press freedom!

Our rates have increased, and our services have decreased?

Asked by @sylviaireland - answered by ?

And what does the DA say about it only solving crime in city centre and not Flats?

Asked by @Hoosen_Essack - answered by ?

What is the DA's no 1 priority for all municipalities run by the DA & why?

Asked by @Joseph_Shaw - answered by ?

Who is the ward councillor for Bellairs Park, Northriding, JHB?

Asked by @terencetobin - answered by @mikemo702
The Councillor in the North Riding area is Ralf Bittkau if I am not mistaken. Has been very vocal on Bellairs Dve sitn.

I'm impressed by the fact that the DA delivers in ALL where they govern, will service be lowered if they win more municipalities?

Asked by @rawRiy - answered by @warwickchapman
Riyaadh the DA does not have a finite amount of expertise. As we grow, we pick people on what they can do not who they know.

What is #da planning on doing about the alien plant invasions all over WC? #daqa the old campaign seems to have grounbd to a halt.

Asked by @simonmaraisza - answered by ?

Does the DA have a plan to fight gang violence in the Cape Flats? And how does PAGAD feature in it?

Asked by @khadijapatel - answered by @PatriciaDeLille
Yes, cooperation between the City and the Province together with the communities is the best way forward.

If The CPT Story is "a template for a truly free SA," & DA having transformation policies,why's transformation not part of the story?

Asked by @MvelaseP - answered by @helenzille
Transformation IS part of the Cape Town Story. Read it again.

What % of government business in the Western Cape goes to black people?

Asked by @khayadlanga - answered by @alanwinde
We have 36000 companies registered on our data base. Over 80% are HDI owned smme companies.

Streets in The Parks get flooded + are full of potholes + lights, drains are broken. Why waste money on fibre?

Asked by @hawthornerd - answered by @PatriciaDeLille
Not a waste of money at all. It is about creating thousands of jobs and assisting businesses with their network infrastructure.

Note that there was an extended discussion about this question. Search Twitter for more.

Is DA worried apparent defection of CT Councillor Jeff van Wyk to ANC unhappy with @PatriciaDeLille as may. can. will affect campaign?

Asked by @lesterkk - answered by @RyanCoetzee
Not worried at all about van Wyk and won't make any difference to campaign.

What do you think of Mdluli?

Asked by @sylviaireland - answered by ?

Why has there been no DA talks in the more "affluent" suburbs in Cape Town but big focus on Limpopo etc? Are we THAT confident?

Asked by @asherjustin - answered by @helenzille
The DA has been campaigning everywhere, from Manenberg to Musina.

Why is the DA focusing mostly on Metros than small municipalities??

Asked by @dayshadrack - answered by @alexlansdowne
Metro's require more publicity to campaign in! Smaller municipalities are just as important!

Tired of paying extortionate taxes and seeing little to none of it being put to work in my community. How will the DA address this?

Asked by @CyanGal - answered by @mikemo702
Re outgs in Ralf's wd - I will ask what actions taken. But problem is JHB-wide. Needs total solution ... and that's why for mttrs like power outages you look at who's running the city and not who's ward cllr.

What will you do about the already corrupt ANC municipalities if you take over?

Asked by @Faanfairlane - answered by @brandontopham
We have prepared plans 2 improve all the metros.We start with opening them up to public scrutiny,open tender panels etc. As a forensic accountant by trade, you can be sure we will not hide people who are corrupt.

How does the DA plan to solve the poor service delivery issues in areas previously neglected by the ANC #DAQA. Avoid a Tatane situation?

Asked by @rawRiy - answered by @RyanCoetzee
Get competent people in and start delivering according to proper management principles. Like we have in CT.

I never hear any party mention #streetchildren - does the DA have any "plans" for them?

Asked by @brendaholtz - answered by @warwickchapman
Umthombo in Durban a good example of how to do it right. Good social workers and reuniting with families.

Does the DA use a personality profiling tool in recruiting and optimsing productivity?

Asked by @GeorgeEadie - answered by @takkie13
We have a well developed candidate selection programme - effective profiling.

JhbN neglected neighbourhood, Water&Elec outages @ least 2x/month. Contacted DA ward councillors - useless! How will this change?

Asked by @CyanGal - answered by @mikemo702
Re DA ward councillors in JHBN - there are about 10 of them. Pls email me on mikemo@mweb.co.za with specific complaint.

#DAQA future: how do Xol’s and I keep faith in DA when smaller parties merge into you, e.g. the tigers from Freedom Front? Bit scared...

Asked by @AIBester - answered by @LindiMazibuko
We don't compromise DA core principles in agreements w/ other parties. Commitment to Constitution.No racial nationalism etc.

What are we doing to bring the DA message of change within rural areas,sustainable activism, participation etc?

Asked by @TRHumanist - answered by ?

Is it true that DA plans (acc to Ms Sims on @SpecialAssign) to give residents permanent tenure in #Blikkiesdorp Delft?

Asked by @BlikkiesDorp - answered by @helenzille
Because of the housing backlog, we must start with services and partner with families in developing their sites.

Do you think minority parties can deliver services in the same way larger parties can? Should voters consider this?

Asked by @Aslam_Levy - answered by @ianneilson
Our experience in CT the past 5 years is that small parties are only interested in their personal positions & not services.

What will the DA do to empower young people who are from disadvantaged/poor family background??

Asked by @dayshadrack - answered by ?

The DA pamphlets only contain afr and english. What is the DA's strategy to be more inclusive of other cultures?

Asked by @maniephw - answered by @Jonathan_Moakes
DA pamphlets have been published in all 11 languages throughout country.

Why is the D.A not putting Khayalitsya forward as the perfect municipality,cause you not putting your resources forward to the needy?

Asked by @dacritic - answered by @ianneilson
Khayelitsha is not a seperate municipality. The CoCT spent R2 billion there the past 5 years + much bulk infrastructure 4 it.

What is the DA doing to ENGAGE with the Youth to encourage interest in politics and voting?!

Asked by @alexlansdowne - answered by @Thabo99
The DA represents ALL South Africans! We are the most diverse party and it reflects in all ways from members to leaders.

Note that there was an extended discussion about this question. Search Twitter for more

Sunday, 24 April 2011

Do you have a policy on tax education and are you prepared to educated citizens on tax and property rights?

Asked by @vuyisaq - answered by @LindiMazibuko
SAs must remember that everyone who consumes - from groceries to taxi fare - is tax-payer, not just income tax contributions.

Who is the mayoral candidate for the very much neglected Ekurhuleni Metro?

Asked by @GaGa_Saint - answered by @warwickchapman
Shelley Loe is the DA Mayoral Candidate in Ekurhuleni

Been trying to get involved in Pretoria but no answer on email. Suggestions?

Asked by @JacquesMeyer - answered by @brandontopham
Not sure where u been trying but send me ur details per mail & we will get u involved.

How does the DA intend improving state healthcare? Especially since mps get private medical aid paid for by the state?

Asked by @StroVizzle - answered by @LindiMazibuko
DA policy = public/private partnerships 2 improve standard of state health. Also professionalised management of hospitals. Re-opening specialised nursing colleges to keep staff levels up. Improving working conditions so doctors work better.

Are you going to cut your losses and decommission the airport shuttle in cpt?

Asked by @wscharnick - answered by @ianneilson
The passenger numbers on the airport shuttle continue to increase. As the rest of the IRT rolls out it will become stable.

Why don't the D.A understand that black people needs to be the first priority for this country to move forward?

Asked by @dacritic - answered by @LindiMazibuko
Priorities not racial. Black SAs disproportionately affected by poverty because apartheid.DA committed to tackling poverty.

How will the DA handle events like the issue discussed tonight on #fokus where the police were brutally inhumane?

Asked by @johanmynhardt - answered by @helenzille
Did not see Fokus but police (like the rest of us) must be bound by the constitution and the law.

As a feminist I would like to know, are there any other female mayoral candidates except Patricia?

Asked by @GaGa_Saint - answered by @LindiMazibuko
Our mayoral candidate, Shelley Loe is also on Twitter! @ShelleyLoe

What are you going to do differently now that Tony has entered the fray in Cape Town?

Asked by @Joseph_Shaw - answered by @PatriciaDeLille
We are going to do nothing differently. Our message is for all the people of CT.

What lessons have you learned from the toilet & myciti budget sagas? How are those lessons being implemented into current policy?

Asked by @Joseph_Shaw - answered by ?

As the official opposition why cant you convince all these splinter parties to join the D.A?

Asked by @dacritic - answered by @LindiMazibuko
DA is leading realignment of opposition. Agreement with ID was important step. We must agree on principles for cooperation.

@lindimazubuko Are you concerned that some ANC candidates have attacked your credibility as an "african", by deriding your accent?

Asked by @Arfness - answered by @lindimazubuko
Not at all! I'm proud of who I am, & have no plans to apologise for / justify my identity to anyone. Especially not ANC! :-)

How will the DA hav opportunities 4 a 15year old child from farms??

Asked by @dayshadrack - answered by @helenzille
The basis of opportunity is education. We are now in the knowledge economy. Finish school first.

Does the DA find that National Government is trying to entirely dominate intergovernmental relations?

Asked by @LightblueEstate - answered by @RyanCoetzee
No, we work very well with national government. We implement our electoral mandate and contribute to SA.

Is Ms De Lille's vehement anti-alcohol stance shared by DA? What about its effect on wine industry employing 350k pax?

Asked by @emilejoubert - answered by @PatriciaDeLille
We are not against the wine industry. As government we spend billions dealing with the negative effects of alcohol abuse.

Do/will the rich have to make some sacrifices to allow resources to be reprioritised to the poor given that resources are limited?

Asked by @TOMolefe - answered by @helenzille
The rich pay very high rates so that CT can give the most generous free basic services to the poor in the country.

Note that there was an extended discussion about this question. Search Twitter for more.

Julius Malema came to speak to SAUJS at a Shabbat dinner, when can we expect the DA to come?

Asked by @asherjustin - answered by @RyanCoetzee
Very happy to come to speak to SAUJIS - will you invite us?

What disciplinary action was taken against DA member Pieter Van Dalen after he shot those 3 kids in Khayelitsha?

Asked by @NzingaQ - answered by @LindiMazibuko
He wasn't charged w/ any crime and was never involved in a shooting - no evidence was tabled.

Will DA continue the plan to deliver special voting ballots; and if so, how will that affect the integrity of the campaign as a whole?

Asked by @Doc_Megz_to_be - answered by @Jonathan_Moakes
Yes. We are working with the IEC and will ensure party agents monitor all polling.